The German Village


Prompt: Tell a story about something memorable and/or impactful in which one or more seasons played a part

The German village that my ancestors left in 1751 to come live in Allendale County, South Carolina. Some of the old pagan traditions and customs are still observed. In May, on a certain phase of the moon, the young people of the village go out into the forest to find the harbinger of spring. The harbinger of Spring is in reality, another one of the young people, and he and his helpers secretly slipped into the woods the night before. His helpers now cover him with leaves and twigs and flowers, so that he personifies spring.

When the young people find him, they escort him into the village. And as he comes to each house, the people who live there come out and join the procession. By the time the harbinger of spring has gone up and down all the streets in the village, everyone is part of the parade. Dogs, children on bicycles, parents pushing baby carriages, all the people in the village have come together to welcome Spring. 

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