The season of Summer always meant to me that school was out. We were about to get Icie’s, ride our bikes, and stay out late. But both my parents were from the South. My mom was from Virginia, my dad was from South Carolina. Every summer, for at least 30 days out of the summer it consisted of traveling to Virginia, my mother’s hometown.
So going down I 95, I always got carsick, and coming back, I always got carsick. But once we arrived at my relatives’ homes, they always have prepared what looked like a buffet to me waiting for us. And I was never interested in all the foods, I just wanted to Dr. Pepper, and I wanted to go outside and play because it was such a thrill to me to not to have to take an elevator to get outside, we could just walk straight out the door. But what was not so pleasing to me was going to my grandparents’ house, though I loved them, because they did not have indoor plumbing. So, I’m not sure what was worse: having to go back and forth I 95 carsick or having to use the bathroom outside in a small hole.
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