Ode to Art & Comment Rural SC


Prompt: Write a letter or poem to a leader in your community.

Drawing or all the past connections, the lessons, pathways- the sea of ideas, The tide of new opportunities. What will bring people together? Arand shared concerns, passions, what will celebrate creative differences. What will catalyze action? What is the art of our community? How do we get there? Together, always together. In community together, we find a common purpose. We offer support. Let the ideas sparks fly. What does your community have, that is special, unique, forged from circumstances and in cenvity history and forward-thinking. What does your community need? What areas, resources can be brought to bear in new ways. Education, literacy, economic development, load the wellbeing, history from one than one voice. Art is the thread that connects cultures, offer blueprints. Together we can share our stories. Don’t let others tell them for us. Together we can listen, inspire and learn from one another. We all belong. Leadership is at the community level. Leadership cross from to scoud up. Tributaries fly together into a river of positive change. This is the art of community. Susan, you are the spark. You have woven a net, a fabric that holds up in high wind. Together we find our way.

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