When I get to be a composer, I imagine I will feel complete.
I imagine I will have learned all the essential lessons God wants me to know.
I imagine the words will sound like lyrics of hope for a better tomorrow.
And I imagine the peace that will greet us all in the coming day.
When I get to be a composer, I imagine the sound strummed and chords on a guitar
will taste like sweet nectar dripping from the hummingbird’s beak.
I imagine the song of love spoken in the voice of each passing stranger.
I imagine I will hear the voices in unison
heralding the rhythm of a new and better nation of one world
where all are accepted and revered as unique.
I imagine I can risk now knowing I can step down
and pass the torch as composer to others in the chorus
with their cacophony of melodies strumming peace and love.
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