After all this calm lies chaos.


Prompt: Write a story starting with “after all this…”

The chaos of a Pandemic. The chaos of racial inequality. The chaos of businesses closing and unemployment. The chaos of ordering groceries online. The chaos of not knowing what the new normal will be. 

The trees here are devoid of leaves. Desolate. Bare and vulnerable. The sky is grey with uncertainty and the landscape is empty of connection. Of people or animals or birds or even wind. Is this calm? Or Is this the demise of what was? I long to see a dog running through the grass. To see squirrels scampering and birds flying. To watch kids on bicycles ride by. To have my hair blown about my face to assure me that there is life here in this moment. To greet a friend and walk together down the lonely pathway. 

Which pathway is the question. For we are truly at a crossroads. Choosing the right path is key … or is it? Perhaps there is no one right direction. I long for calm. Not the calm of sitting on this bench, but the calm that means, All will be OK. You will be OK. We will all be OK.

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