Crochet Chain


Prompt: Choose one of the gifts you would like to be. I want you to tell us what the gift is? Name the gift and why you chose to be that gift? Who would you give the gift to and why? What impact would you like to make with this gift?

I am just a series of loops made one by one, joined together by a metal hook, one that belonged to the maker’s grandmother, loop upon loop to make a lace pattern made from the softest yarn in teal, diamonds and squares and lines a spider web pattern. They call it, the stitches made in evenings to grow to grow as the maker watched the news. What watched transporting dramas, laughed and talked and dreamed. This is a gift requested by my niece her wedding gift, she chose her pattern in color. I was skeptical the dark, the dark color might not show the stitches, but it worked out beautifully. And as often as is often the case with handmade gifts, it has taken me a long time to finish it, but it is almost. Done, and I’m excited to bring it to our Christmas celebration. It expresses my love for my niece, and it connects her to her great grandmother, my grandmother, who showed me how to make it, as in, showed me how to crochet. 

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